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Earth day fun opportunity


Dear birders,

SDAS will have a booth set up at this year's Earth Day workshop on Saturday, April 20.  As in previous years this event will take place at United Methodist Church on Bryant Avenue in Ludington.  SDAS will have a booth with interactive kids activities, a new banner, and brochures describing our group. Heidi and I will be present at the booth to answer questions and greet non birders who might be interested in what we do.  Heidi and I have to attend a funeral of a dear friend from 10:30 to 1 PM.  So I am asking for two birders to fill in for that time slot at the booth.  If you are available please contact me via this email or call or text me at 231-239-0173 to confirm.  

Also I understand that when we host an educational session our guests appreciate a snack and beverage.  For the first event on April 11 Gene and Judy Jankowski and Elaine Curtis have volunteered to bring snacks.  I am looking for folks to help out with providing a snack on May 16, June 20, July 18, August15, September 12, and October 17.  If you are able to assist please let me know.


Joe Moloney


Sable Dunes Audubon Society

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