Local Partners & Links
A Few Friends for the Environment of the World | Non-profit volunteer based environmental group serving the City of Scottville, Ludington, and greater Mason County, MI.
Friends of the Ludington State Park | Volunteer group dedicated to preserving, enhancing and promoting Ludington State Park.
Mason-Lake Conservation District | Mason and Western Lake Counties’ best resource for watershed & groundwater stewardship, wildlife habitat promotion, and soil preservation.
Oceana Conservation District | Promotes conservation, stewardship and sustainable use of the natural resources in Oceana County, through landowner assistance and education.
Great Lakes Piping Plover | Collaboration of organizations and volunteers contributing to the increase in Piping Plover breeding success and future survival of their population.
Michigan Audubon | Connects birds and people for the benefit of both through conservation, education, and research efforts in the state of Michigan.
National Audubon Society | Protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.
American Ornithological Society | World’s largest professional organization for ornithologists.
Cornell Lab Of Ornithology | Dedicated to advancing the understanding and protection of the natural world, the Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, and galvanize conservation action.
Photo by Dave Dister