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Worm-eating Warbler


Today around lunch time Benjamin Wilson and his gang of siblings located a Worm-eating Warbler on their property. According to Dave Dister, this is only the second record of a Worm-eating Warbler in Mason County. The first record was on May 29, 1974 on upper Hamlin Lake. So it has been 50 years since the last sighting. This is extremely exciting!

Upon hearing the news, myself and Brian Brosky raced out to the Wilson's property. Brian was able to get two different looks at the bird. I however did not get so lucky. The habitat was very thick and brushy making it quite difficult to see more then just a few feet. I heard Brian say that he could see it, but by the time I got to his location it was gone. We are hoping the bird sticks around for at least a few more day so others can get a chance to check it off of their lists as well!

I did add several birds to my year list though. We had a great look at a beautiful male Cape-may Warbler. We were not able t grab a picture of it though. We also had Common Yellowthroat, Black and White, Ovenbird, Purple Martins, and Nashville Warblers. They really do have a wonderful forest to grow up on.

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