SDAS Board of Directors
We would love to hear from you! Please contact us if you have birding related information or photos that you would like us to share with the rest of the members. Learn more how you can become a member or more involved with SDAS.
Photo by Dave Dister
Joe Moloney, President
Jim Gallie, Vice President
Favorite Bird: Piping Plover
Favorite Bird Song: American Bittern
Favorite Birding Spot: Harris Neck NWR
Fred Allen, Secretary
Favorite Bird: Pileated Woodpecker
Favorite Bird Song: Barred Owl
Favorite Birding Spot: Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center
Gene Jankowski, Treasurer
Favorite Bird: Pileated Woodpecker
Favorite Bird Song: Blue Jay
Favorite Birding Spot: On my 23 acres of property!
Dave Dister, SDAS Birding Expert & Author of Birds of Mason County, MI
Favorite Bird: Cedar Waxwing
Favorite Bird Song: Winter Wren
Favorite Birding Spot: Ludington Boat Ramp