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Waves of Migrants


The past several days we have experienced strong southerly winds pushing migrating birds further and further north. The warmer weather, longer days, and south winds are not only motivating birds to get to their breeding grounds, but also motivating local "birders" to get out with their optics and do some bird watching! Since the last post there have been so many birds added to the yearly list that it isn't really worth listing them all.

It seems most of the early migrating shorebirds have made their way through the region. Dunlins, Yellow legs, Spotted, Black Belied Plover, Uplands, and Solitary Sandpipers are just a few of the reported shorebirds. The first Caspian Tern was located in the Ludington Harbor today by Brian Brosky. There have been several American Bitterns, Sora's, Virginia Rails, Green Herons, and more wetland birds reported too.

Everybody's favorite group of birds are quickly returning to the region as well. There have been 13 different species of Warblers seen so far in Mason County alone. Some of the more fun ones would include, Black throated Green, Ovenbird, Northern Parula, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat, Redstart, Nashville, Orange-crowned, both Waterthrushes, and Black and White Warblers. With these strong winds, and lots of active birders, that number will hopefully be up over 20 species in no time!! Multiple people have been reporting Baltimore Orioles and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at their feeders. Randy Daughtry even had a Ruby Throated hummingbird visit his feeder as well. Let this be a reminder to get your oranges out and your hummingbird feeders filled and hung up! Brian Brosky has also reported 2 different Blue-headed Vireos, and Benjamin Wilson has reported one. These are not easy birds to find, making these excellent birds this time of year. Sparrows are on the move as well. Today Brian Brosky reported a Lincoln's sparrow in the PM conservation park. There have been Vesper, White-Crowned, White-throated, Field, Savannah, and many more sparrows reported in the region. The raptors are on the move as well. There have been several Broad-winged hawks, Merlin's, a Peregrine Falcon, Rough legged, Harriers, Red Tailed, and so many more seen in migration. Brian Brosky even had a nice close encounter with an Osprey.

I hope everyone can get outside, enjoy the world around them and even find a bird or two. This is such an exciting time of year to be outside. The leaves are coming out, the grass is greening up, the spring flowers are blooming, and there is an orchestra of song birds filling the air with their calls and songs. Happy birding to you all!

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