Some more new birds plus rare repeats today in cool drizzly weather. This morning Brian Brosky was at Indian Bridge where he saw Hooded Mergansers, Tree Swallows, a Red-headed Woodpecker, and a Red-shouldered Hawk. And just past noon Brian briefly located some Snow Geese between Freeman Road pond and Colburn Road, but when I arrived 5 minutes later, there was no sign of them. However, along East Colburn Road by the only house I found a female Merlin hidden in a tree (good luck finding it in the 1st photo). About an hour later a Brown Thrasher was reported by Matt McConnell along Hansen Road by the tree farm. That is our 1st March Brown Thrasher and is a new spring arrival date ! Lastly, I returned to LSP and around 5:30 p.m. heard an "unknown" bird chip. Hmmm, doesn't sound like a sparrow or junco. Wait, it has to be a Yellow-rumped Warbler ! I found it in a dense white cedar tree by the Hamlin Beach House (the early date is March 26th)..
Yesterday Sawyer Dawe had an incident where an adult Sharp-shinned Hawk had apparently hit his home or a window and was so stunned he got a photo from only 8 feet away. Eventually, the hawk flew off.
By the way, although not a bird but usurping a nest box, Brian found a southern flying squirrel in a chickadee birdhouse on his property. Dang cute little critter.