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Changes of Spring

Updated: Apr 29


My name is Sawyer Dawe. I am a new member of the Sable Dunes Audubon society. Recently Joe Moloney has asked me to take over the website blogs. Fred Allen had done it for several years, but has recently moved to a different part of the state and was ready to turn the task over to someone else.

A bit about myself: For as long as I remember I have been in love with the world around me. My love for the out-of-doors inspired to get a bachelors degree in Conservation Leadership. This is similar to a forestry degree but with an emphasis on communication. My father, Jim Dawe, has been a "birder" for at least 50 years and has taught me just about everything I know about birds. My wife and I together have two beautiful children. I hope to inspire them to become people who notice and care about the living world around them.

Back to birds!! This spring has so far proven to be quite good for birding. This week alone we have had several "good" birds. On Monday April 22nd, Dave Dister spotted a Louisiana Waterthrush in Eastern Mason County. Brian Brosky was also able to locate the bird in the same place the next day. Hopefully it will establish it's territory and stick around for breeding season! Brian Brosky has also re-found the Carolina Wren along Sippy Road. It appears to be singing a lot and sticking around, so hopefully it will be nesting there this spring! Marc Wolch spotted an early Marsh Wren in his yard on Tuesday afternoon.

There have been serval "first of the year" birds this week as well. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Palm Warbler, Pine Warbler, and Nashville warbler, Northern Waterthrush, Upland Sandpiper, American Bittern, Great Crested Flycather, and Eastern Whip-poor-wills. With strong south winds, and warmer weather, we will certainly be adding more and more birds to our year lists!

Good birding to you all!

See pictures below.

1. Carolina Wren (B. Brosky)

2. Louisiana Waterthrush (B. Brosky)

3. Marsh Wren (M. Wloch)

4. Palm Warbler (S. Dawe)

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Apr 25

Hello Sawyer,

Welcome to the local birding community and thank you for assuming the duties performed so admirably by stalwart Fred Allen for many years. My wife Sharon and I have been birding in the area since 1963, a niche pastime shared with our three now-grown children who, by the way, have been instilled with a deep fondness for nature, especially birds and wildlife. To that point Sharon and I returned from a 10-day birding trip to Arizona on Tuesday, an adventure guided by our son Todd, a resident of SE Arizona, one of the best birding regions in the country. And did we see birds! I wish you well with your bird-reporting responsibilities and look forward to meeting…

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