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Black Scoters, Killdeer, Northern Harrier, Song Sparrow, Brown-headed Cowbird, & Common Grackle



With way above normal temps and strong southerly winds today, it's not surprising to see new or nearly new birds reported for the year. Around 10:15 a.m. I photographed a female Northern Harrier hunting low over the PM marsh (east side) and 15 minutes later I heard a Killdeer calling over the Mason County Airport. Then Mark Wloch reported 6 Black Scoters in L. Mich off Summit Twp., plus a Brown-headed Cowbird and Tundra Swans with 2 Trumpeters flying northward overhead. Next, Sawyer Dawe saw a Common Grackle at his Ludington residence. Brian Brosky reports a pair of Killdeer in Oceana County. And lastly, Sawyer also found a Song Sparrow at Cartier Park along the edge of Lincoln Lake.


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