There was a lot of bird movement today ! This morning I first went to LSP near the dam around 11:50 a.m. and saw two dozen Dark-eyed Juncos, two Hermit Thrushes, and half-a-dozen Rusty Blackbirds. Next, I went to the south pier at Ludington Harbor where I found a very shy American Golden-Plover (note the dark crown) plus a dozen Sanderlings, a few American Pipits, and a very shy Dunlin. I then received a text message from Brian Brosky who was birding along Townline Road east of the Stakenas farm. He found well over 100 Horned Larks, plus a few American Pipits and Lapland Longspurs. I eventually checked out Townline Road a bit after 4:00 p.m. and found those birds (mostly far south of the road) as well as a few Savannah Sparrows, Song Sparrows, and a juvenile, White-crowned Sparrow. Also, this afternoon, Mark Wloch reports seeing five Rough-legged Hawks flying past his Summit Township property out over lake Michigan. Lastly, Randy Dougherty found 45 American Coots in Hamlin Lake off his property around 2:30 p.m. and then emailed me about 7:20 p.m. that the flock was now 200 or so AMCOs ! Pretty amazing for an overcast day with light winds.